We can help you with the paperwork to see if you qualify and assist you in getting the process started to receive additional funds that would go directly to you and help supplement your monthly rent. There are guidelines and qualifications that must be met.
Wartime veterans and their surviving spouses, 65 years and older, may be entitled to a tax-free benefit called Aid and Attendance provided by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
The Benefit is designed to provide financial aid to help offset the cost of living and other specific needs.
Receive up to $2,903 monthly with the Aid and Attendance Benefit Table Tax Free
The following chart includes the set yearly income rate, annual basic pension called the MAPR (Maximum Annual Pension Rate) and Aid and Attendance limits set by Congress; it also includes the maximum monthly benefit:
Aid and Attendance Maximum Annual Pension Rate (MAPR) Category If you are a… |
Basic Pension MAPR | 5% of Basic Pension MAPR (The amount you subtract from medical expenses…) |
Annual Aid and Attendance Pension Rate Your yearly income must be less than… |
Single Veteran | $13,166 ($1,098 per month) | $659 | $21,962 ($1,830 per month) |
Veteran with Spouse/Dependent | $17,241 ($1,437 per month) | $862 | $26,036 ($2,170 per month) |
Two Veterans Married to Each Other | $17,241 ($1,437 per month) | $862 | $34,837 ($2,903 per month) |
Surviving Spouse | $8,830 ($736 per month) | $442 | $14,113 ($1,176 per month) |
Surviving Spouse with One Dependent | $11,557 ($963 per month) | $578 | $16,837 ($1,403 per month) |
Eligibility Requirements
- Must have served at least 90 days of active duty with at least one day during a period of war.
- Must have anything other than a Dishonorable discharge.
- A surviving spouse must have been married to the veteran at the time of his passing.
- Must require the assistance of another person to perform some of the daily activities of living.
- Must meet income and countable asset criteria established by the VA.
- Must be 65 years and older or totally disabled.
- Must have a yearly income of $26,000 or less.
Eligible Periods of War
World War II: December 7, 1941 – December 31, 1946, inclusive. If the veteran was in service on December 31, 1946, continuous service before July 26, 1947, is considered World War II service.
Korean conflict: June 27, 1950 – January 31, 1955, inclusive.
Vietnam era: The period beginning on February 28, 1961, and ending on May 7, 1975, inclusive, in the case of a veteran who served in the Republic of Vietnam during that period. The period beginning on August 5, 1964, and ending on May 7, 1975, inclusive, in all other cases.
Persian Gulf War: August 2, 1990, through date to be prescribed by Presidential proclamation or law.
Items needed to assist you in filing and obtaining VA Aid and Attendance:
- DD 214 (Separation papers) or discharge document All periods of service
- Copy of Marriage Certificate
- Copy of Death certificate (Veteran/Spouse)
- Proof of all sources of income — SS, retirement, employment; interest/dividends, court settlements.
- Proof of all Net worth: (Not Home) but other land property, amount in checking/saving/ CDs/Bonds/1RAs etc.
- Bank Info for Direct Deposit
Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs
Morgan County Veterans Service Office
Anthony M. Robinson – Veterans Service Officer
Karen Lockhart – Administrative Support Assistant
Morgan County Courthouse
302 Lee Street NE, 1st Floor
P. O. Box 806
Decatur, AL 35602
Phone: (256) 351-4636
Fax: (256) 351-4664
Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.