Earlier this week, I had the honor of touring a very lovely couple through CCV.  Previous posts have been an attempt to educate everyone about exactly what “Independent Living” is.  This couple – the wife- made a statement which struck a thunderous chord in my heart, so I feel I should share it with you all.  This wonderfully strong, vivacious beautiful woman – after touring and talking, a few tears, shed and un-shed, told me, “I finally get my life back!”  She epitomizes the word survivor and strong willed,  her husband evokes patience and love.  She lives with MS, but upon her move to CCV where we are centrally located in the Historic District of Decatur, she will once again LIVE! with or without MS.  Now this spunky woman, who I  have already grown to love, can shop, go to outings in the park and at the ampitheatre, all without depending on someone else.  She truly does have her life back once they move in.  Her husband can do the things he loves with his buddies, knowing that she is able to live life to the fullest and more independently than ever before. Now they can also spend more quality time together, as well as enjoying their friends.

Let’s Talk